1 month (single analysis)

€ 19,00 (EUR)

The Facebook profile you have named will be checked once by our team members for photos, comments, pages and further information. The analysis is not computerised and does not involve any software. Our trained team members compile objective suggestions for improvement to make the respective profile give a more positive impression.
Within 72 hours, you will receive personalised advice on the Facebook page.

3 months (three analyses at monthly intervals)

€ 49,00 (EUR)

The Facebook profile you have named will be checked three times at monthly intervals by our team members for photos, comments, pages and further information. The analysis is not computerised and does not involve any software. Our trained team members compile objective suggestions for improvement to make the respective profile give a more positive impression.
Within 72 hours, you will receive personalised advice on the Facebook page.

12 months (twelve analyses at monthly intervals)

€ 99,00 (EUR)

Das von Ihnhe Facebook profile you have named will be checked twelve times at monthly intervals by our team members for photos, comments, pages and further information. The analysis is not computerised and does not involve any software. Our trained team members compile objective suggestions for improvement to make the respective profile give a more positive impression.
Within 72 hours, you will receive personalised advice on the Facebook page.

Profilecare Bild